To sign in with your OpenID, click on "Sign in with OpenID" below the sign in field. A box will open up to let your select a provider and sign in.
Once you sign in, if your OpenID is not already linked to your account, you have two options:
- Sign in to Sheet Exchange with your existing username and we will link the accounts for the next time your log in.
- Sign up for a new Sheet Exchange account. If you use the same email address provided by your OpenID provider you will be approved instantly. Otherwise, an activation email will be sent. In either case you do not need to select a password, unless you wish to.
You can use multiple OpenIDs with your Sheet Exchange account and, if you wish to, your can easily delete/unlink your linked OpenIDs by visiting your Profile page.
This is a brand new feature so we'd like to hear yours issues and/or comments.